Our Environmental Consultancy Services
A Preliminary Investigation Report forms the first step in analysing a site and its environs. These desktop studies review available data sources to build a picture of the site’s historic uses, potential contamination sources and the pathways that may create a risk profile. An essential best practice in the preparation of a desk study is a site walkover, which we complete as standard. Our team prepares hundreds of PIRs a year all across the country.
We are industry leaders in the planning and undertaking of Phase 2 Site Investigations and Reporting to address contaminated land planning conditions.
Whether as a follow-on from our own Phase 1 or preparing a quote based on earlier reporting by others, we can design an investigation to give the insight you need.
Our qualified Engineers and Scientists have extensive experience navigating the regulatory framework for the handling, treatment and disposal of waste soil and rock arising from construction sites. Our team is familiar with both the Environment Agency licensing framework as well as the CL:AIRE DoW CoP for the sustainable reuse of waste soils.
In response to the challenges of climate change, government policy has introduced the requirement for Flood Risk Assessments to accompany some planning applications. These are set out in stages, to guide an iterative approach to assessing the risk to the proposed development.
Soils Limited can undertake both Level 1 and Level 2 Flood Risk Assessments. Preparing these alongside the Phase 1 Desk Study or screening BIA is often efficient both in cost and timeline.
The Soils Team includes industry leaders in Contaminated Land, who’ve accumulated years of experience in applying their expertise to solving our Clients’ problems.
Geo-environmental investigations work on an iterative approach, aiming at building an understanding of, investigating, and remediating contaminated land. These phases typically go as follows:
Phase 1 - Preliminary Investigation Reports (aka Desk Studies)
Phase 2 – Site Investigations and Contamination Assessment Reports
Phase 3 - Remediation Method Statements, Options Appraisal and Discovery Strategies
Phase 4 – Validation and sign-off
Sustainable Drainage has quickly become an integral part of the planning process, as developers and authorities alike are seeking better ways of managing runoff water.
Sustainable Drainage Systems, or SuDS, seek to manage peak runoff by mimicking natural drainage pathways that exist on undeveloped land, with the intent to maintain the water cycle and prevent flooding.